저소득아동 자녀 목독마련 저축통장 '디딤씨앗통장' 개설조건및가입방법

  서울시가   저소득층 아동 자녀의 저축과 자립 을 돕기위하여 종잣돈을 마련할수 있는   '디딤씨앗통장' 이 있는데,올해부터는 가입대상자를 대폭확대 한다. 서울시청 서울시가 저소득층 아동의 자립 종잣돈 마련을 위한 ‘디딤씨앗통장’ 가입대상을 올해부터 대폭 늘린다고 6일 밝혔는데, 디딤씨앗통장은  만 18세 미만 아동의 통장에 본인 또는 후원자가 일정 금액을 저축하면 지자체가 저축액의 두배에 달하는 보조금(월 최대 10만원)을 적립하는 통장 이다. 아동이나 후원자가  매월 5만원씩 1000만원을 저축하면 지자체가 2000만원을 매칭해 총 3000만원을 받을 수 있다. 서울시자료 아동발달지원계좌 라고도 불리는 디딤씨앗통장은 지난해까지 아동양육시설이나 위탁가정에서 생활하는 보호대상 아동만 가입할 수 있었는데,  올해부터는 기초생활수급가구와 차상위계층 아동도 신규 가입할 수 있다 . 서울시는 올해 디딤씨앗통장 예산으로 지난해(37억원)보다 7.4배 늘린 276억원을 확보했다. 가입자도 지난해 3207명에서 올해 4만4682명으로 13배 늘 것으로 예상한다고 한다. 서울시청 디딤씨앗통장에 저축한 돈은 만 18세 이후 학자금, 취업훈련비용, 주거 마련 등 자립을 위한 용도로 사용하면 된다. 만 24세 이후로는 용도에 상관없이 사용할 수 있다. 서울시는  ‘복지로’ 누리집 ( http://www.bokjiro.go.kr)에서  지난 3일부터 온라인 신청을 받고 있다.  온라인 신청이 어려운 경우 6일부터 주소지 동주민센터에서 방문 신청하면...

Korea's most luxurious residential facility "Lotte World Tower Signiel Residence" rental information

 Lotte World Tower Signiel Residence is an expensive residential facility where celebrities such as celebrities, businessmen, and sports players live. It is a high-end residential facility located on the 42nd to 71st floors of Lotte World Tower in Jamsil. In particular, it is known to the media that Jo In-seong, Kim Jun-su, Clara, and entrepreneurs have moved in.

It consists of 223 households, the exclusive area is 133 ~ 829㎡, and the sale price is 4.2 billion ~ 37 billion won. At the time, the sale price was 69 million won per pyeong, and sales were recorded at 130 million won per pyeong. It is equipped with hotel-style convenience services, high-rise views, and security systems. In addition, you can use various facilities such as community facilities, fitness room, and indoor golf driving range.

The location of Signiel Residence in Lotte World Tower requires no further explanation. In fact, it is not easily exposed because there is also the privacy of the residents for the inside. It is also difficult to look at the house when renting. There are various facilities around Signiel Residence. Signiel Residence is located inside Lotte World Tower, so you can use shopping, cultural, and leisure facilities such as Lotte World Mall, Lotte Cinema, Lotte World Aquarium, and Lotte World. Also, on the 42nd floor of Signiel Residence, there are community facilities available only to residents. You can enjoy luxurious facilities such as fitness club, screen golf, yoga studio, wine cellar, and party room. Within 10 minutes by car from Signiel Residence, there are places where you can enjoy sports and nature, such as Jamsil Baseball Stadium, Olympic Park, and Seoul Land.

Lotte Signiel Residence Security Facility

Signiel Residence's security facilities consist of a perfect security system. Signiel Residence is equipped with security devices such as password-controlled elevators, emergency elevators, CCTVs, and security guards. Also, Signiel Residence has rarely been open to the public to protect the personal information and privacy of its residents. Most of the residents of Signiel Residence are those who want a quiet life without interference from outsiders. The value-for-money Signiel Residence offers 6-star hotel-style services including room service and valet parking.

Signiel Residence's interior style

Luxury and modern interior styles are widely used in Signiel Residence. Signiel Residence's 90-pyeong apartment has white and black as the basic colors, and gold and silver metallic materials are used as points to create a luxurious atmosphere. Signiel Residence's 300 pyeong duplex has a spacious living room, dining room, and open kitchen, and uses marble and wood materials in harmony to create a spacious and comfortable space. The interior of Signiel Residence has been improved by collaborating with world-class designers, and decorated with the finest furniture and accessories. The interior of Signiel Residence shows splendor and sophistication at the same time.

Lotte Signiel Residence Rental Price

Based on 488.06㎡/191.61㎡, the jeonse price is 7.5 billion won and the monthly rent is 300 million won/26 million won. Lotte World Tower Signiel Residence, Korea's representative luxury residential facility, is a residential facility favored by celebrities such as entrepreneurs and celebrities.

Lotte World Signiel Residence For rental or sale inquiries, you can text and call 010-5524-6193. Email sdmi1105@naver.com You are always welcome.


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