전세계약시 해야할일 주의사항 유의사항 (아파트,연립,빌라)

 전세계약시 반드시 필수적으로 해야할 일들이 있다. 특히 사회초년생,신혼부부의 경우는 처음 겪는 부동산계약에 유의해야 한다. 다음의 사항은 필수적으로 염두에 두자. 아파트 1.계약전에 유의해야할사항 무허가·불법 건축물 여부 확인 전입신고를 할 수 없는 무허가·불법 건축물은 「주택임대차보호법」 적용을 받지 않아 보증금 보호가 어려운 경우가 있으므로 주의하세요. 현장 방문 및 건축물대장 열람(세움터, cloud.eais.go.kr) 을 통해 무허가·불법 건축물 여부를 꼭 확인하세요.전세사기 예방을 위한 건축물대장 활용법도 숙지하고, ‘정부24’와 ‘건축행정시스템 세움터(www.eais.go.kr)’에서 확인 가능합니다. 적정 전세가율 확인 매매가가 하락가거나 경매 시 보증금 전액 반환이 어려울 수 있으므로 전세가율(매매가 대비 전세가 비율)이 높은 매물은 조심하세요. 국토교통부 실거래가 공개시스템(rt.molit.go.kr), 부동산정보 사이트(네이버 부동산, 직방 등), 복수의 중개업소 방문 등을 통해 적정 매매가와 전세가 시세를 확인하세요. 선순위 권리관계 확인 나의 전세보증금보다 선순위의 채권이나 보증금이 있을 경우, 보증금 전액 반환이 어려울 수 있으므로 주의하세요. 등기부등본 확인(등기소, www.iros.go.kr), 다가구 주택의 경우 전입세대 열람내역 및 확정일자 부여현황을 확인하세요. 【신탁부동산 임대차 계약 시 주의할 점】 부동산신탁 이란? - 부동산을 소유한 사람이 일정금액의 신탁보수를 지불하고, 부동산의 관리·처분·개발을 부동산 신탁회사에 일정기간 동안 위탁하는 제도 - 일반적으로 아파트, 주상복합건물, 오피스텔 등 집합건물을 건설하는 시행사가 해당 부동산을 신탁회사에 신탁하는 경우가 있음. ※ 위탁자 (시행사, 건축주 등), 수탁자 (신탁회사) 신탁부동산 확인 방법 - 등기부등본 갑구 소유권에 관한 사항에 “수탁자 oo부동산신탁(신탁원부 제oooo-ooo호) ”내용이 있다면 등기소에 방문하여 신탁원부를 발급받아 임대차계약에 ...

Introduction of major universities in Seoul

Chung-Ang University (CAU): Founded in 1918, CAU is a private university that is known for its business and economics programs. It has several campuses in Seoul, as well as one in Anseong.


Ewha Womans University: As mentioned in the previous answer, Ewha is a private women's university that was founded in 1886. It is known for its commitment to women's education and has several campuses in Seoul.


Hankuk University of Foreign Studies (HUFS): HUFS is a private university that was founded in 1954. It is known for its strong international programs, particularly in languages and area studies.


Hongik University: Hongik is a private university that was founded in 1946. It is known for its strong programs in art and design, as well as its business and engineering programs.


Hanyang University (HYU): HYU is a private university that was founded in 1939. It has several campuses in Seoul and is known for its strong engineering and technology programs.


Korea University (KU): As mentioned in the previous answer, KU is a private university that was founded in 1905. It is one of the oldest and most prestigious universities in Korea, and is particularly well-known for its law and business programs.


Kyonggi University: Kyonggi is a private university that was founded in 1947. It has several campuses in Seoul and is known for its strong programs in business and engineering.


Kyung Hee University (KHU): KHU is a private university that was founded in 1949. It has several campuses in Seoul and is known for its strong programs in medicine, law, and humanities.


Seoul National University (SNU): As mentioned in the previous answer, SNU is widely considered the top university in Korea and is consistently ranked as one of the best universities in Asia. It was founded in 1946 and has since produced many notable alumni.

Sejong University : a private university located in the Gwangjin-gu district of Seoul, South Korea. It was founded in 1978 and has since played a significant role in education, research, and social contribution. Sejong University has the following characteristics:

Sogang University: Sogang is a private university that was founded in 1960. It is known for its strong programs in social sciences and humanities, as well as its Korean language program for international students.


Sungkyunkwan University (SKKU): SKKU is a private university that was founded in 1398. It is one of the oldest universities in Korea and is known for its strong programs in business, law, and engineering.


These are just some of the universities located in Seoul, and there are many more to explore. Each university has its own unique strengths and programs, and students should carefully research and consider their options before deciding where to attend.


이 블로그의 인기 게시물

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