전세계약시 해야할일 주의사항 유의사항 (아파트,연립,빌라)

Below are some of the reviews that ChatGPT users have written about what they are dissatisfied with or what needs to be improved while using ChatGPT.
1."Sometimes ChatGPT's answers are not correct. This is because the model is not perfectly trained on all questions. I think we need to collect more data and further develop the model." —**** C.
2."ChatGPT works best for conversations in English. However, translation errors may occur if conversations are held in other languages. The model needs to be supplemented for conversations in different languages." - **** H.
3."ChatGPT's performance is highly dependent on the training data. We need to improve the quality and quantity of data this AI model trains on. We will need to refine the model further using better training data." —**** W.
4."ChatGPT answers most questions quickly. However, sometimes the answers are too general or too technical to understand. The model needs to be improved to allow for more natural conversations." —*****K.
5."ChatGPT does not actively respond to questions related to users' privacy. We need to add a model that can address issues related to users' privacy." —****.*
6."ChatGPT easily answers most everyday questions. However, it falls short when it comes to scientific questions, and more training data needs to be added." -*****L.
7."ChatGPT has a limited vocabulary, so some words or terms may not be recognized. We need to learn more words and terms." —*****K.
8."ChatGPT is convenient to use with fast response times and appropriate responses. However, as you continue the conversation, the learning contents may overlap. We need to create a model that can respond to various situations and contexts." —******B.
9."ChatGPT's answers are consistent and natural, but sometimes it gives unrealistic answers due to the limitations of artificial intelligence. Improving these problems will make ChatGPT more reliable to use." —******H.
10."Because ChatGPT is an AI model, it does not give appropriate answers to sensitive topics such as humans or political issues. For these topics, it is necessary to add a function to prevent the model from answering." —******T.
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