저소득아동 자녀 목독마련 저축통장 '디딤씨앗통장' 개설조건및가입방법

  서울시가   저소득층 아동 자녀의 저축과 자립 을 돕기위하여 종잣돈을 마련할수 있는   '디딤씨앗통장' 이 있는데,올해부터는 가입대상자를 대폭확대 한다. 서울시청 서울시가 저소득층 아동의 자립 종잣돈 마련을 위한 ‘디딤씨앗통장’ 가입대상을 올해부터 대폭 늘린다고 6일 밝혔는데, 디딤씨앗통장은  만 18세 미만 아동의 통장에 본인 또는 후원자가 일정 금액을 저축하면 지자체가 저축액의 두배에 달하는 보조금(월 최대 10만원)을 적립하는 통장 이다. 아동이나 후원자가  매월 5만원씩 1000만원을 저축하면 지자체가 2000만원을 매칭해 총 3000만원을 받을 수 있다. 서울시자료 아동발달지원계좌 라고도 불리는 디딤씨앗통장은 지난해까지 아동양육시설이나 위탁가정에서 생활하는 보호대상 아동만 가입할 수 있었는데,  올해부터는 기초생활수급가구와 차상위계층 아동도 신규 가입할 수 있다 . 서울시는 올해 디딤씨앗통장 예산으로 지난해(37억원)보다 7.4배 늘린 276억원을 확보했다. 가입자도 지난해 3207명에서 올해 4만4682명으로 13배 늘 것으로 예상한다고 한다. 서울시청 디딤씨앗통장에 저축한 돈은 만 18세 이후 학자금, 취업훈련비용, 주거 마련 등 자립을 위한 용도로 사용하면 된다. 만 24세 이후로는 용도에 상관없이 사용할 수 있다. 서울시는  ‘복지로’ 누리집 ( http://www.bokjiro.go.kr)에서  지난 3일부터 온라인 신청을 받고 있다.  온라인 신청이 어려운 경우 6일부터 주소지 동주민센터에서 방문 신청하면...

Ikseon-dong, a hot place for young people in seoul korea

 Ikseon-dong in Seoul has two facesIkseon-dong is a historic neighborhood located in Jung-gu, Seoul, South Korea. The area is known for its traditional Korean-style houses, or hanoks, which have been preserved and renovated to create a unique blend of old and new.


Ikseon-dong was originally built in the 1920s and 1930s and was home to many wealthy families at the time. However, after the Korean War, the neighborhood fell into disrepair and was largely forgotten. It wasn't until the early 2000s that a renewed interest in the area led to its revitalization.


Today, Ikseon-dong is a popular destination for tourists and locals alike. The area is filled with trendy cafes, restaurants, and shops, all housed in beautifully restored hanoks. Visitors can stroll through the narrow alleys and admire the traditional architecture while also enjoying the modern amenities of the area.


One of the main attractions of Ikseon-dong is the street food scene. There are numerous food vendors selling everything from Korean pancakes to grilled meat skewers, and the area is particularly famous for its tteokbokki, a spicy rice cake dish.


In addition to food, there are also several cultural attractions in Ikseon-dong. One of the most popular is the Bukchon Hanok Village, which is located nearby and offers a glimpse into traditional Korean life. There are also several art galleries and museums in the area, including the Museum of Korean Straw Handicrafts.


Overall, Ikseon-dong is a must-visit destination for anyone interested in Korean culture and history. Its unique blend of old and new, along with its vibrant food and art scenes, make it a fascinating and enjoyable place to explore.

It is an alley lined with old long-established stores, but it is a dating spot for young people.
ikseondong(익선동) It is famous for its old pork belly restaurant and retro cafe.

Located in the middle of downtown Seoul, you can see the entire city of Seoul on foot.

Seoul is divided into Gangbuk and Gangnam with the Han River in the middle.

Gangbuk means north of the river, Gangnam means south of the river. k-pop" Gangnam style" refers to the south of the river downtown.
If you have any questions about traveling to Korea, please feel free to contact us.


이 블로그의 인기 게시물

남양주 도농지구 재개발사업 추진소식

미얀마 독립운동가,국부 아웅산장군 스토리

평내호평역 랜드마크 초역세권 주상복합아파트(센트럴N49) 두산건설 개발 소식