무주택 청년 신혼부부 LH 매입임대주택 청약방법

  LH가 무주택 청년신혼부부 그리고 저소득층 주거안정을 위하여 매입임대주택 청약을 시작했다. 아파트전경 LH의 매입임대 사업은 교통 접근성이 좋은 도심 내 신축 및 기존 주택을 매입해 저렴하게 임대하는 제도이기 때문에 비교적 살기편하고,직장출퇴근이 편한곳이 많아 장점이다.25년  이번 공고를 통해 전국적으로 총 2814호를 공급할 계획이다. 이 중 청년 매입임대주택은 1275호, 신혼·신생아 매입임대주택은 1539호 규모다. 청년 매입임대주택은 만 19세~39세 청년, 대학생, 취업준비생 등을 대상으로 한다. 임대조건은 인근 시세의 40~50% 수준이고 최장 10년(입주 후 혼인한 경우 20년)까지 거주할 수 있다. 또 이주가 잦은 청년층의 수요를 반영해 주택 여건에 따라 냉장고, 세탁기, 에어컨 등 가전제품을 갖춰 공급될 예정이다. 신혼·신생아 매입임대주택은 결혼 7년 이내 (예비)신혼부부, 신생아 가구를 대상으로 한다. 지역별로는 수도권 702호, 그 외 지역 837호가 공급된다. 유형으로는 신혼·신생아1, 2가 있다. 신혼·신생아1 매입임대주택은 다가구, 다세대주택 등을 시세 30~40% 수준으로 공급하고 최장 20년까지 거주할 수 있다. 신혼·신생아2 매입임대주택은 아파트·오피스텔 등을 시세 70~80% 수준의 준전세형(임대조건의 80% 보증금, 월 임대료 20%)으로 공급해 임대료 부담이 적다. 거주 기간은 최장 10년(자녀가 있는 경우 14년)까지 가능하다. 지원은 이번 공고부터 신혼·신생아2 유형의 소득·자산 기준이 완화돼 중산층 신혼·신생아 가구의 경우 강화됐다. LH는 1월 중 서류심사 대상자를 발표하고 소득·자산 등 입주자격 검증을 거쳐 3월 중 예비입주자를 발표할 예정이다.  청약은  PC,모바일 LH청약플러스틀 통하여 청약할수가 있다. https://apply.lh.or.kr/lhapply/main.do 

Representative traditional market in Seoul(Seoul Traditional Market Tour)

 Seoul, the capital city of South Korea, is famous for its bustling traditional markets. These markets have a rich history and are a great place to experience Korean culture, food, and traditional crafts. Here are some of the most representative traditional markets in Seoul, along with their location, history, and characteristics:


Namdaemun Market (남대문시장)

Location: 21 Namdaemunsijang 4-gil, Jung-gu, Seoul

History: Namdaemun Market, also known as the Great South Gate Market, was established in 1414 during the Joseon Dynasty. It was originally called Sungnyemun Market, but later renamed Namdaemun Market after the nearby gate of the same name.

Characteristics: Namdaemun Market is the largest traditional market in Seoul and offers a wide variety of goods, including clothing, souvenirs, and traditional Korean foods. The market is open 24 hours a day and is especially popular with tourists.


Gwangjang Market (광장시장)

Location: 88 Changgyeonggung-ro, Jongno-gu, Seoul

History: Gwangjang Market was established in 1905 during the Japanese colonial era. Originally a textile market, it has since expanded to include a wide range of goods.

Characteristics: Gwangjang Market is famous for its street food, which includes popular Korean dishes such as bindaetteok (mung bean pancakes), tteokbokki (spicy rice cakes), and mayak kimbap (small seaweed rolls). The market is also known for its traditional Korean clothing, including hanbok, and silk goods.


Myeong-dong Market (명동시장)

Location: 53-6 Myeong-dong 1(il)-ga, Jung-gu, Seoul

History: Myeong-dong Market began as a small residential neighborhood during the Joseon Dynasty, but became a commercial district in the early 20th century.

Characteristics: Myeong-dong Market is a popular shopping district for both locals and tourists, with numerous stores selling cosmetics, clothing, and accessories. The market is also known for its street food, including Korean-style egg bread and grilled squid.

Tongin Market (통인시장)

Location: 18 Jahamun-ro 15-gil, Jongno-gu, Seoul

History: Tongin Market was established in 1941 during the Japanese colonial era, and was originally known as Dongdeamun Market.

Characteristics: Tongin Market is a unique market where customers purchase traditional brass coins and use them to buy food from various vendors. The market is known for its affordable and delicious Korean street food, including tteokbokki, sundae (Korean blood sausage), and bibimbap.


Noryangjin Fish Market (노량진수산시장)

Location: 13-6 Noryangjin-dong, Dongjak-gu, Seoul

History: Noryangjin Fish Market was established in 1927 and is one of the largest seafood markets in Korea.

Characteristics: Noryangjin Fish Market offers a wide variety of fresh seafood, including fish, clams, and octopus. Customers can purchase seafood and have it prepared at one of the many restaurants located within the market. The market is especially popular in the early morning, when the fresh catch arrives.


In summary, traditional markets in Seoul have a long history and offer a unique opportunity to experience Korean culture, food, and traditional crafts. Each market has its own distinct characteristics, from Namdaemun Market's variety of goods to Tongin Market's use of traditional





이 블로그의 인기 게시물

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