저소득아동 자녀 목독마련 저축통장 '디딤씨앗통장' 개설조건및가입방법

  서울시가   저소득층 아동 자녀의 저축과 자립 을 돕기위하여 종잣돈을 마련할수 있는   '디딤씨앗통장' 이 있는데,올해부터는 가입대상자를 대폭확대 한다. 서울시청 서울시가 저소득층 아동의 자립 종잣돈 마련을 위한 ‘디딤씨앗통장’ 가입대상을 올해부터 대폭 늘린다고 6일 밝혔는데, 디딤씨앗통장은  만 18세 미만 아동의 통장에 본인 또는 후원자가 일정 금액을 저축하면 지자체가 저축액의 두배에 달하는 보조금(월 최대 10만원)을 적립하는 통장 이다. 아동이나 후원자가  매월 5만원씩 1000만원을 저축하면 지자체가 2000만원을 매칭해 총 3000만원을 받을 수 있다. 서울시자료 아동발달지원계좌 라고도 불리는 디딤씨앗통장은 지난해까지 아동양육시설이나 위탁가정에서 생활하는 보호대상 아동만 가입할 수 있었는데,  올해부터는 기초생활수급가구와 차상위계층 아동도 신규 가입할 수 있다 . 서울시는 올해 디딤씨앗통장 예산으로 지난해(37억원)보다 7.4배 늘린 276억원을 확보했다. 가입자도 지난해 3207명에서 올해 4만4682명으로 13배 늘 것으로 예상한다고 한다. 서울시청 디딤씨앗통장에 저축한 돈은 만 18세 이후 학자금, 취업훈련비용, 주거 마련 등 자립을 위한 용도로 사용하면 된다. 만 24세 이후로는 용도에 상관없이 사용할 수 있다. 서울시는  ‘복지로’ 누리집 ( http://www.bokjiro.go.kr)에서  지난 3일부터 온라인 신청을 받고 있다.  온라인 신청이 어려운 경우 6일부터 주소지 동주민센터에서 방문 신청하면...

The Key to a Restful Night's Sleep: Understanding Insomnia and Sleep Medications


Welcome, dear readers, to a topic that affects us all—sleep! We all cherish those blissful moments of peaceful slumber, but what happens when sleep evades us? In this article, we will delve into the fascinating world of insomnia, explore its causes, and discuss the role of sleep medications. So, snuggle up, grab a cozy blanket, and let's embark on a journey to better understand the intricacies of sleep and how we can find our way back to dreamland.

peaceful mind

The Elusive World of Insomnia:

Have you ever found yourself tossing and turning, unable to drift into a restful sleep? You're not alone. Insomnia, a sleep disorder that affects millions of people worldwide, can be a frustrating and exhausting experience. But fear not, dear readers, for understanding the root causes of insomnia is the first step towards reclaiming those peaceful nights.

Unmasking the Culprits:

Insomnia can be caused by a variety of factors, such as stress, anxiety, underlying medical conditions, medications, or even our sleep habits. It's essential to identify these triggers to effectively address and conquer insomnia. Remember, knowledge is power!

The Non-Pharmacological Path:

Before turning to sleep medications, let's explore some non-pharmacological approaches. Improving sleep hygiene, creating a cozy sleep environment, and practicing relaxation techniques can work wonders. Have you tried establishing a consistent sleep schedule, indulging in a warm bath before bed, or enjoying a cup of herbal tea? These small changes can make a big difference!

The Role of Sleep Medications:

When non-pharmacological approaches fall short, sleep medications can offer temporary relief. But tread cautiously, dear readers. There are different types of sleep medications, each with its own benefits and considerations. Let's unravel this mystery together.

Sedative-Hypnotics: These sleep aids help initiate and maintain sleep by promoting relaxation. However, they may cause daytime drowsiness and other side effects. Remember, balance is key.

Melatonin Supplements: Melatonin, a natural hormone that regulates sleep-wake cycles, can be helpful for those struggling with circadian rhythm disorders or jet lag. Just remember, melatonin isn't an instant sleep potion, but rather a tool to readjust our internal clocks.

Benzodiazepines and Non-Benzodiazepine Hypnotics: These medications enhance the effects of a neurotransmitter called GABA, promoting sleep. They can be effective in the short term, but prolonged use can lead to dependence and withdrawal symptoms. Always consult a healthcare professional for guidance.

The Importance of Professional Guidance:

Here's where we emphasize a crucial point, dear readers. Self-medication without professional advice can be risky. It's vital to consult a healthcare professional who can assess your unique situation, guide you through the appropriate use of sleep medications, and monitor any potential side effects or complications.


Sleep, that gentle embrace of rest and rejuvenation, is a gift we must cherish. Insomnia may try to steal that gift from us, but armed with knowledge and understanding, we can reclaim our nights of peaceful slumber. Remember, dear readers, to prioritize a holistic approach, exploring non-pharmacological methods, and seeking professional guidance when necessary. May your nights be filled with sweet dreams and your days with boundless energy. Sleep tight, and let your worries take flight!

(Note: This blog article is for informational purposes only and should not replace professional medical advice. Please consult a healthcare professional for personalized guidance and treatment.)


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